Fine Young Thang

Fine young thang 

There are many terms

Some are quite arcane

You ask someone who they are 

And they say Puddin’ and Tame

So are there some beverages

From which you should abstain

Most prefer a savory beer

Over bubbly Champagne

But I can’t let myself be addled

Distracted or chicaned

Because I know the rules

To this age old ballgame

I must be persistent 

To climb onboard this train

For if you want to garner favor

You’d better stake a claim

My quest begins right here and now

In the Jingle Jangle Zing and Zang

That stirs inside this lonely heart

In stanzas to exclaim

For to woo with prose is difficult 

A point that’s quite germane

For I’m no Willaim Shakespeare

Or Michel de Montaigne

But try I must no matter if

The effort is in vain

For the reward is worth the tribulation

I can not be refrained

I must find the words that say

How I feel about this Dame

And see if I can turn her fire

Into a roaring flame

Cause girl you’ve got the package

It’s really inhumane 

To watch that wiggle when you walk 

Is driving me insane

So will you help this poor boy out?

Only you can ease this pang

Inside my heart by saying that 

You’ll be my Fine Young Thang

John snelling



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