Brain Love

Brain Love

Grey matter  ... that’s the stuff
And deep among its folds
You will find Intelligence 
Our story to be told

The cerebellum ... reigns supreme
Where skills are aptly learned 
Where we became adapt
Each other’s traits discerned

The hippocampus helped us remember 
And processed how we felt
Recalling tender memories 
That steered our hearts to melt

Neurotransmitters regulated
As currants ebbed and flowed 
And with every sweet caress 
Neurons began to glow

The Brain stem rooted in the past 
Of ancient stirrings true
Provoked those primitive passions
We both longed to pursue 

Hemispheres, left and right 
thought processes divide
Each one focused singularly 
On how we identified

They say that only hearts can feel
The skull can only think
Or a crown that shows emotion
Simply needs a shrink

Yet any MRI would reveal
Our heads are both in tune
A cognitive reality
That brains can feel love too 

John Snelling



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