Simple Words

Simple words

Anchovies and Aries 

abbys and alleys

Berries and Booties

And Babies named Sally 

Cherries and Chickpeas

Chimneys and Chinese

Dainties and Dandies

And Doggies that don’t sneeze

Eighties and Emmys

Ferries and floozies

Empties and Emcees

And Saturday Snoozies 

Gypsies and Guppies

Hankies and Headcheese

Hippies and Huskies

And Grannies with Goatees

Journeys and Jockeys

Kiwis and Kitties

Jellies and Jaycees

And treats of Rice Krispies

Ladies and Lovelies 

Movies and Munchies

Lefties and Latchkeys

And Acting like Monkeys

Ninnies and Nannies

Nighties and nudies

Pansies and Peewees

Piggies And poodies

Quarries and Quandaries

Queries and Quick-freeze

Sissies and Smarties

Skivvies and Squeegees

Like Whiskeys and Worries

Yippies and Yetis

They all go together 

Like Zombies and Spaghetti

All of these words 

Roll right off the tongue 

They’re cute and they’re sassy

And really quite fun

But words can be weapons

They’ll wound and impugn 

Still lovers pen poetry 

To croon and to swoon

They use words so nicely

So many to choose

Like a kalimazoo Kangaroo 

Or a bugaboo Cockatoo

But there are just three words

So easy to say

To dispel all the hate 

That may come your way 

They never get old 

Like words often do 

And when said with meaning 

Will always ring true

A feeling reciprocal 

Pure joy will ensue 

These three simple words 

I Love You

John snelling



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