Ba Humbug Spontaneity

Ba Humbug spontaneity

Much can be said for a methodology

A steadfastness and habituality 

Tried and tested 

A traditional technique

That familiar tool

Is the golden rule

Why mess with a good thing? 

Or take a wild swing 

If it ain’t broke 

Don’t try to fix it 

Tried and true 

It’s just old school

No desire for improvisation 

Nor slightest whim or inclination

The same old same old 

Every time 

Nothing knew

To misconstrue

Spontaneous combustion we all know 

With too much friction it explodes

Yet with precision

Each week applied

She turns the heat

Into something sweet

Her timing is so extremely exact

An atomic clock seems out of whack

A perfect predictability 

A sensuous stability 

She definitely is the girl for me 

So Ba Humbug Spontaneity

John snelling 



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