Love’s Fire

Love’s Fire

The soul’s a funny fellow

In the heart it makes its home

It tends a burning ember 

And fans the flame alone

Until a kindred spirit 

Carried on the wind

Ignites a smoldering coal of Love 

And a raging fire begins

It warms two lovers nightly 

Each basking in its glow

Commitment stokes its hungry need

The fuel apropos

Lost in the inferno 

One within the fire

Beware the searing heat may singe

And love become a pyre

Who knows when it started

When the oxygen left love’s room

But her fire began to flicker 

No backdraft from love’s flume

Each single dying cinder

Whistled  “Please return”

And pump the passion billows 

Rekindle love’s slow burn

Like a demon demanding mercy

Love’s fire catching its breath 

It crackled and it popped and hissed 

A desperate cry of “Beth”

John snelling



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