Lost Creek Road

Lost creek road

Sometimes you get that feeling 

There’s no warning

That magic moment

Like an ocean wave

Breaking at the perfect time

Sweeping your heart away

Endorphins play a pivotal part

They’re funny little things 

Running all around 

Up inside your head 

When something stirs them up

A sweet euphoric wave 

I feel sorry for miserable people

Focused on the wrong things

Blaming their plight on others

And not themselves

No one’s to blame for being born

It’s your destiny …. your’s alone

So I’m grateful that my nature 

Gravitates to the positive 

For everyone has felt that funk

The pity party that ensues

But a way was always found 

To shake it off .. to start anew

I can’t say that every thought 

I’ve laid out in these stanzas

Crossed my mind that day

On that country road

But the thoughts were there

Mixed with the experience 

But in reflection they all emerged

The feelings finally put in words

That life is simultaneously 

Long and short

Dull and exciting 

A paradoxical parley

For I discovered something 

Out on that country lane

Deep in the bend of the river

I hear my inner core

That everything will be alright 

No matter what’s in store 

That life is filled with peacefulness

That awaits you all along

You simply have to pause 

Take that moment to reflect

A mindfulness to be aware

That you only have one shot

We each traverse a unique path

Filled with travails 

That come and go

But trust core’s compass 

To be your guide 

And keep you pointed true

Seek the path less traveled 

Or so the saying goes

Don’t be afraid

To follow dreams

With open eyes 

And a back unbowed 

Stay kind to yourself 

And kinder to others 

Never compromise 

Your moral code

And you too may find the answers

Along Life’s Lost Creek Road

John Snelling



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