The Colors Of the Rainbow

The Colors of the rainbow

Loud crimson emotions 

Filling my head 

Sizzling! Piping red hot 

Floating on life’s cardinal liquid

Being stirred by thoughts of you

Pulsating throughout 

My rubicund brain

That’s spinning ‘round and ‘round 

Like a rufescent roulette wheel 

With no blacks to dull the hue

With a glow that lingers

Like a lazy sunset

Blazoned across my heart

A feeling as fresh as a grove

Of ripened orange trees

The tinge that flickers 

At the base of a flame

Burning as bright 

As your titian hair

That brings me to my knees

Laying golden on the pillow

Flaxen and tousled

Shining in the morning light

Like the yellow streaks of sunshine

Highlighting your every curve

Awaken my love

And tell me your dreams

Of yellowfish reflecting

Among the sunlit coral

Of how they swim and swerve

Come dance in the meadow

A melancholy jig 

The birds turn green with envy

Of your verdant rite of spring 

Their plumage on garish display 

Nature’s frondesence 

Frolics in accompaniment 

The choreographed seasons 

Of our romance still budding

In a verdurous ballet

The sapphire sky

Smiles a beryl blue grin 

Pleased by the performance below

While turquoise tinted clouds applaud

Encore! Encore! Encore

So once again

We mount the stage

Our cobalt costumes sparkle 

Like our eyes they shine blue bright

To entertain once more

Royal curtains 

Hanging from heaven

Are reopened to reveal

The cast of colors of our love

We painted here on earth 

Suddenly a spectrum 

Violaceously appears

As our finale nears 

Indigo violins end the refrain

And the horizon again gives birth

As amaranthine lights begin to fade

We take our final bows

All that remains 

A circle center stage

A spinning color wheel 

Red to Orange

Then yellow and green

A dizzying cornucopia

Blue to indigo and finally violet

The colors of our love revealed 

Somewhere beyond Oz’s archway

Where our hearts and souls connect

Tread that colorful path between realms

For life and love and even death 

Are all one and the same

And when you hear 

The thunder roll

Never be afraid 

The storms of life will soon give way 

To love’s gentle rain 

So stay with me

My love of loves

For this you’ll always know

When I depart 

You can find my heart

In the colors of the rainbow 

John snelling



rubicund - (especially of someone's face) having a ruddy complexion; high-colored.

rufescent - tinged with red or rufous.

titian - (of hair) bright golden auburn.

verdant - (of countryside) green with grass or other rich vegetation.

frondesence - 1 : the condition or period of unfolding of leaves. 2 : foliage.

verdurous - freshly green

beryl - a transparent pale green, blue, or yellow mineral consisting of a silicate of beryllium and aluminum, sometimes used as a gemstone.

Violaceously - of a violet color.

amaranthine - of a pinkish or rosy red color


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