Evening Chirapsia


Evening Chirapsia

As you slide out of your robe
The cool sheets caress 
A hint of dampness from the shower
On skin still warm and glowing
Creating a frosty feeling as 
The last of the moisture 
Evaporates from the soft breeze
Of the ceiling fan

The smooth jazz wafts
Through the flicker of candlelight 
As if the pillows themselves 
We’re serenading you
Tensions release
As you close your eyelids
And feel the first touch 
Of gentle fingertips

The soft sound of hands 
Rubbing together 
Releasing the aroma 
Of warm oils
Sweet and spicy 
They begin to kneed
Firm and slippery
As the muscles melt

Shoulders first
Then the lower back
Thighs and calves
Time for the feet
Massaging the Achilles
And up and down the arch
In between every toe
Attention to each

The arms, the hands, 
Each finger stroked 
Then under the jaw
Behind the ears
Small circles on each temple
As thumbs trace sockets
Each ridge is followed
Even ears and lobes

You’re liquid now
As the hands continue
Ever so slow
You begin to float
It’s been a good day
But the ending’s the best
A slice of Nirvana 
Your Evening Chirapsia

John Snelling



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